суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

com gogle map

More politics related news, entering the results into computers found that the conservatives had only won by 43 votes, so a recount has been ordered for my riding. Fingers crossed

I did nothing yesterday, and it felt wonderful. I am unburnt-out again, and back to work. Exam schedule came out yesterday, doesnapos;t look too bad for me, except for having an exam on the last day.

This morning we went to the market with K. And restrained ourselves admirably. Maple syrup and squash Tonight I am going to make more borscht for a friend, and hopefully finish another assignment. I and Alfy have started watching the Big Bang theory and finding it very funny.

The balcony garden is dying, with only 2 of the tomatoes and 2 of the peppers having successfully ripened, we are thinking of brining the pepper plant in to give a fighting shot for the remaining peppers.

Plane tickets booked for home, leaving on the 21st, return on the 3rd. The upside this year is I can escape to Calgary with my sister if things get to tense. There is stuff and places in Calgary, right? Well, more places than Grande Prairie anyway..... And Iapos;ll bring my gps and get OSM traces for the entire town of Hanna. That should burn a whole day right there.

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